Jul 5, 2024

Safety Tips for a Great Night Out in Los Angeles

Stay safe and have fun in LA's nightlife! Follow these tips for transportation, personal safety, and responsible drinking to ensure a secure night out.

Safety Tips for a Great Night Out in Los Angeles

Los Angeles, the City of Angels, is renowned for its vibrant nightlife. From trendy rooftop bars and world-class nightclubs to chic lounges and lively beach parties, LA has something for everyone. But as you gear up for an unforgettable night out, it’s crucial to keep safety at the forefront of your plans. Here’s a comprehensive guide to ensure your night out in LA is not only fun but also safe.

Girl using Party Popper app

1. Plan Your Night Out

Research Venues

Before heading out, do a bit of homework on the venues you plan to visit. Websites like Yelp, Google Reviews, and Party Popper app can provide valuable insights about the crowd, security measures, and overall atmosphere. Knowing what to expect can help you prepare accordingly and avoid any unpleasant surprises.

Make a Itinerary

Having a rough plan for the night can help you stay organized and ensure you don’t end up in unfamiliar or unsafe areas. Identify a few places you’d like to visit and plot them on a map to ensure they are in proximity to each other. This will also help you minimize travel time and expenses.

Share Your Plans

Always inform a trusted friend or family member about your night out plans. Share details like the venues you plan to visit, who you’re going with, and your expected return time. This way, someone knows your whereabouts in case of an emergency.

2. Transportation Safety

Use Reliable Transportation

Opt for reliable transportation options like rideshare services (Uber, Lyft), taxis, or public transport. If you’re driving, make sure you have a designated driver who remains sober throughout the night. Avoid accepting rides from strangers or unregistered vehicles.

Verify Your Ride

When using rideshare services, verify the driver and the car before getting in. Check the license plate, car model, and driver’s name against the information provided in the app. Ensure the driver confirms your name and destination before you start the ride.

Avoid Walking Alone

While walking might seem like a good way to save money, it’s best to avoid walking alone, especially in unfamiliar or poorly lit areas. If you must walk, stay in well-lit, populated areas, and keep your phone handy for navigation and emergency calls.

3. Personal Safety

Stay With Your Group

There’s safety in numbers. Stick with your friends throughout the night and keep an eye on each other. Establish a buddy system where each person is responsible for looking out for another. If someone needs to leave, ensure they are safely escorted to their ride or home.

Keep Your Belongings Secure

Carry a small, secure bag to keep your belongings safe. Avoid bringing unnecessary valuables and keep essential items like your phone, wallet, and ID close to you. Use bags with zippers or closures to prevent pickpocketing.

Be Mindful of Your Drinks

One of the most common risks during a night out is drink tampering. Never leave your drink unattended, and always watch it being prepared by the bartender. If you feel unwell after consuming a drink, seek help immediately.

Trust Your Instincts

Your gut feeling is often your best guide. If a situation or person makes you uncomfortable, remove yourself from that environment. It’s better to be safe and cautious than to take unnecessary risks.

4. Alcohol and Drug Safety

Drink Responsibly

It’s easy to get carried away with the excitement of the night, but it’s essential to know your limits. Pace yourself, alternate alcoholic drinks with water, and avoid binge drinking. Being overly intoxicated not only compromises your judgment but also makes you more vulnerable.

Avoid Drugs

Illicit drugs can have unpredictable and dangerous effects. Besides the legal risks, there’s also the danger of overdose or consuming something laced with harmful substances. If you choose to use recreational substances, ensure you know the source and understand the risks.

Stay Hydrated and Eat

Alcohol can dehydrate you, so make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the night. Eating a substantial meal before drinking can also help slow the absorption of alcohol and keep you more alert and energized.

5. Venue Safety

Know the Exit Routes

Upon arriving at a venue, take a moment to familiarize yourself with the exit routes. In case of an emergency, knowing the quickest way out can make all the difference.

Stay in Designated Areas

Stick to designated areas within the venue. Avoid restricted or staff-only zones, as these areas might not be safe or monitored.

Be Aware of Your Surroundings

Stay vigilant and aware of your surroundings. Pay attention to the behavior of those around you and report any suspicious activity to the venue’s security staff. If you feel threatened, don’t hesitate to seek help.

6. Health and Wellness

Know Your Limits

Understanding your own limits is key to having a safe night out. This includes knowing how much alcohol you can handle, recognizing signs of dehydration or fatigue, and being aware of your physical and mental state.

Take Breaks

Dancing and socializing can be exhausting. Take regular breaks to rest and hydrate. Find a quiet spot where you can sit down and recharge before heading back to the dance floor.

Look Out for Each Other

Keep an eye on your friends and be proactive in checking on their well-being. If someone appears overly intoxicated, unwell, or distressed, take immediate steps to help them, whether it’s getting them water, finding a quiet place to rest, or seeking medical attention if necessary.

7. Communication

Keep Your Phone Charged

A charged phone is essential for staying connected and safe. Ensure your phone is fully charged before heading out and consider carrying a portable charger. This way, you can always call for help, navigate using maps, or contact friends if you get separated.

Use Safety Apps

Several apps are designed to enhance personal safety during a night out. Apps like bSafe, Circle of 6, and Noonlight can alert designated contacts if you’re in danger, share your location in real-time, and provide quick access to emergency services.

Establish Check-In Points

Set up regular check-in points with your group, especially if you’re at a large venue or festival. Agree on specific times and locations where everyone should regroup to ensure no one gets lost or left behind.

8. Dealing with Unwanted Attention

Set Boundaries

It’s important to set and communicate your boundaries clearly. If someone is making you uncomfortable, assertively let them know. Most people will respect your boundaries once they’re aware of them.

Seek Help

If someone continues to harass you despite your clear communication, seek help from venue security or staff. They are trained to handle such situations and can assist in removing the individual or ensuring your safety.

Have an Exit Strategy

Always have a plan for leaving a venue if you feel unsafe. Whether it’s a quick exit to a cab, a rideshare service, or a prearranged pickup point, knowing how you’ll get away from an uncomfortable situation can give you peace of mind.

9. After the Night Out

Get Home Safely

Ensure you have a safe and reliable way to get home. If you’re using a rideshare service, share your trip details with a friend or family member. If you’re taking public transportation, check the schedules and routes beforehand to avoid any confusion.

Check In with Friends

Once you’re home, check in with your friends to make sure everyone got back safely. A quick message or call can ensure that everyone is accounted for and safe.

Reflect and Recover

Take some time to reflect on the night. Consider what went well and what could be improved for future outings. Rest, hydrate, and eat a healthy meal to help your body recover from the night’s activities.

10. Emergency Preparedness

Know Emergency Contacts

Save important emergency contacts in your phone, including local police, medical services, and a trusted friend or family member. Knowing who to call in an emergency can save valuable time.

Understand Venue Protocols

Many venues have specific protocols for handling emergencies. Familiarize yourself with these procedures, such as where to find first aid or how to contact security. This knowledge can be crucial if something goes wrong.

Stay Calm

In any emergency, staying calm and composed is vital. Assess the situation, follow the venue’s protocols, and seek help immediately. Panicking can make the situation worse and hinder your ability to think clearly.


A great night out in Los Angeles is all about balancing fun with safety. By planning ahead, staying vigilant, and looking out for yourself and your friends, you can enjoy the city’s vibrant nightlife while minimizing risks. Remember, the goal is to create unforgettable memories without compromising your well-being. So, get out there, have fun, and stay safe!